Men's Book Atlanta Party


My friends and I attended the Men's Book Holiday Party sponsored by Porsche last week and had such a ball that I honestly didn't snag many photos for the blog. My apologies for that! The event was held at the Chastain Horse Park venue, a beautiful, spacious, modern yet vintage-feeling location that I hadn't before visited. Scores of people filled the upstairs, downstairs, and both balconies; the pics below are few but trust me, it's a sign of a good time!

After the party ended, we headed over to West Midtown's Environment to attend the popular monthly mixer Atlanta Green Drinks. My friends and I all work in green and sustainability fields, so it was great to network and socialize with other Atlanta professionals. We laughed the whole time.

Look who found some snow! Well, not real snow, but hey, being from New England, sometimes I sure do miss snow.

You know what else I love? My friends. :)